Case Study: NBA2K20 Collectors SteelBook
It's no secret here at AnyForty we love art & Illustration, we love video games and we love basketball, so when 2K Games comes calling and asks if you'd be up for working with one of our artists to create a Limited Edition SteelBook cover for NBA2K20 you best believe we replied "YES!" faster than a pair of Jordan 4 Bred's flies out of stores.
For this years version of 2K20, they wanted to pay homage to retiring legend, hall-of-famer Dwayne Wade with a super slick, collectors edition SteelBook. If you're not familiar with SteelBooks, they are exactly as they sound, a collectors hard case for your game, with artwork printed onto sheets of steel, allows for loads of trick design production to be done, ink that goes down becomes metalic, and by using a white underpin, you can create flat colours, creating some beautiful contrasts as you move the case around under lighting.
Obviously, we've hundreds of different artists and directions we could of taken this, but with Dwade playing for Miami in his last season, we really wanted to capture the vibrant, colours of the Miami city nights alongside the energy Dwade brought to the court. For this, there was only ever one direction, linking up with Italian twins the Van Orton brothers who we'd previously worked with as one of many artists on Codemasters OnRush video game to capture the athlete's likeness and create a vibrant, energetic packaging project.
What an epic project for an absolute basketball legend. Thank you to the team at Take-Two Entertainment for such a brilliant project to have been involved in!
The front of the NBA2K20 SteelBook, featuring NBA retiring legend Dwayne Wade in his Miami City Jersey
The reverse of the NBA2K20 SteelBook, featuring a design inspired by the symmetrical designs you see gracing basketball court floors, just taken to an energetic next level